Monday, May 21, 2007

corporate carnage

they came,

they saw,

they gutted.

We closed on the 15th of may, and Jack was supposed to have five days to clean everything out of the pie shop. Instead, the crews arrived the morning of the 16th to rip the whole place apart. There were still cheques and timesheets and files in the office, and they just threw everything out back. By the time evening rolled around most of the inside walls had been knocked down. Jack asked me to take a bunch of pictures of the mess, but I doubt either of us will need any reminders of what it looked like.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

pie shop gutted

i'm still in shock. i went in to make tarts today and the entire pie shop was literally destroyed around me (five days earlier than it was supposed to be). and the crews weren't exactly careful--much of jack's stuff was trashed in the process. needless to say, the new owner isn't exactly endearing himself to the neighbourhood. i'll have pics up tomorrow.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

the sacrament of tears

"Crying must be a mystery, a physical sign of a spiritual reality--a sacrament."

To read the whole article, click here. Trust me, you want to check this one out.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


it's four weeks to the wedding and there are still almost 100 people who haven't rsvp'd. and we only invited 130. hmm...

Friday, May 11, 2007

ode to a sink

I've been starting to get back into a few things that I stopped doing for awhile. One of those, obviously, is blogging, and another one is taking pictures. I've started experimenting with a few things (particularly how my camera works, which I probably should have done a long time ago!). After a few hours of work, I finally ended up with two pictures I actually like; they are from my 'ode to a sink' series. Actually, they are my 'ode to a sink' series! Enjoy.

the meaning of wife

i've been reading "the meaning of wife" by anne kingston. stay tuned for more details...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Nobels

On the way to church the other night I was lamenting to Jay that, in a few short weeks, people are going to start referring to us as 'The Nobels'. This lament was, of course, part of my ongoing grumpiness about changing my name. Not two minutes later, when we entered the church building, Don Crawford comes up to us and says "Hey, Nobels, how's it going?" (Which just goes to show that Don's well-renowned ninja skills are even more stealth-like than I thought--seriously, how does he know everything?)

The Nobels. We're going to be 'The Nobels'. I swear that makes me sound like I'm 25 going on 40. Not only that, but it makes me FEEL like I'm 25 going on 40. I guess I may as well just accept the domesticity that others will inevitably thrust upon me now that I'm getting married. I'll attend marriage conferences that tell me about the 'roles and responsibilities of the wife'. Although, since I'm going to be the one who's working and Jay's the one who's staying home, I guess I already blew that one, huh. Excellent.

Monday, May 07, 2007 do I sign in again?

It's been two months since I've posted (obviously). Honestly, I just haven't had anything to say. Well, no, actually I've had lots to say, but nothing that I'm going to post on the world wide web! So you'll all just have to ask me about it in person. Of course, I don't think I have a single reader left, so I doubt anyone's going to ask!

I'm getting married in less than six weeks. Weird. I'm not quite sure how life can be going along normally for years at a time, and then all of a sudden, nothing is the same as it was before. And yes, it will be all of a sudden--in the span of one week I will get married, move out of the home I've lived in for ten years (and leave a family I've lived with for twenty-six), and start a new job. And did I mention I'm leaving a house in Broadmead for a one-room basement suite in Burnside? (And yes, that's one-room, not one bedroom!) This is going to be an interesting transition...